The wife-to-be of a Microsoft game developer bought the love of her life a custom-made USB wedding ring to celebrate his geeky tendencies, even though she doesn’t share them.
The gold ring isn’t actually a functional USB drive, but its design is reminiscent of one. The interior is engraved with the words, “For a lifetime of memories,” an allusion to the USB’s storage capabilities. Aww!
According to Kotaku, the groom is Microsoft Game Studios Software Development Engineer Ray Arifianto; it’s hard to imagine a geekier job than that. Arifianto is reportedly thrilled with the ring.
Some folks might not think of marriage traditions as the best venue for celebrating geekiness, but it’s not at all unprecedented. One couple sent out an 8-bit video game that functioned as an interactive wedding invitation. Then there’s the iPhone wedding cake, the ultimate example of Apple fanaticism. And don’t forget the groom who changed his Facebook relationship status at the altar.
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