So, It's Come To This: The iPad Dock Baby Chair


This is the $75 Fisher-Price Ipad Apptivity Seat (already in existence: an iPad potty chair). It's a baby chair with an iPad dock that dangles over your little bundle of bad vision. Will it help your child grow up to be a technology professional? No. Will it give them something to look at while they piss and shit their diaper?
Sure. After reading the reviews on Amazon, there are a lot of people up in arms about the product because apparently kids under 2 aren't supposed to be forcibly strapped to a chair with a screen inches from their face. I dunno, something about brainwashing. Whatever happened to decent parenting? When I was growing up my parents would put me out in the yard underneath an overturned laundry basket on wheels with a cinderblock on top.
The yard was fenced so I couldn't get out but I could crawl around to explore all I wanted. I probably hold the world record for the longest time spent pretending to be a turtle.
Thanks to lilco, who agrees kids shouldn't be allowed to play with iPads until they can afford to buy them themselves.

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