Hi Folks!, ever heard of NERF? I'm sure some of you do. On this segment i'm just going to introduce some of my personal favourite Nerf guns and also the link to various types of them ...so enjoy.
Nerf (trademarked in capitals as NERF) is a toy, created for safe indoor play, that either shoots or is made of foam-like material. Most of the toys are a variety of foam-based weaponry, but there were also several different types of Nerf toys, such as balls for sports like football, basketball, and others.
The most notable of the toys are the "dart guns" (also known as blasters) that shoot ammunition made from Nerf foam. Since many such items were released throughout the 1980s, they often featured bright neon colors and soft textures similar to the flagship Nerf ball. The product slogan frequently used in 1990's advertising was "It's Nerf or nothing!". It was later replaced by "Play your game", however the slogan from the 1990s is used frequently now.

The Nerf Longstrike CS-6 will be released in spring of 2010. Needless to say, it looks awesome.UpdateHere is my long awaited review of the Nerf Longstrike. Sorry it took me awhile to review this gun -- things have been busy!Longstrike ReviewFirst things first: The Longstrike is hands down one of the coolest looking Nerf guns ever made, and Hasbro will undoubtedly sell a million of these based on appearance alone.
We all want a true Nerf sniper rifle, and based on appearances, the Longstrike seems to fit the bill. As stated on the box, the Longstrike is the longest Nerf blaster.
Now, make sure you read this sentence carefully, as it can be a little misleading. It doesn't have the longest range of any Nerf blaster, it's just the longest (over 3 feet long). I haven't measured it exactly, but it only seems to be a couple inches longer than the Longshot.
Unfortunately, the range on the Longstrike is a bit disappointing, especially seeing as it's modeled after a sniper rifle. Instead of using a direct plunger system like the Longshot, Hasbro has opted to use a reverse plunger system like that found on the Deploy and Raider. Most shots will fall in the 30-35 feet range without the barrel attachment, which isn't bad, but isn't great either.
Using the barrel attachment seems to have a pretty negative impact on the range.For those unfamiliar with the internals of Nerf guns, the effect of a reverse plunger system is that the plunger can't achieve the speed that it can with a direct plunger system.
As a result, the plunger doesn't create as much force, and the darts don't travel as far as they could with a direct plunger system.Thankfully, you can see some pretty significant improvements with only a couple basic modifications. Removing the air restrictor will add about 10 feet on average, and replacing the spring will add even more. You're not going to hit Longshot ranges no matter what you do, but rest assured that you can make some significant improvements with little more than a screwdriver, xacto knife, and hot glue.
To a lot of people, what I just said will be complete gobbledy-gook, and that's fine. So if you aren't into modding your Nerf guns, none of this may matter to you, and you may prefer the Longstrike over the Longshot. Afterall, the out of the box ranges don't vary by a huge amount, and the Longstrike is much lighter and less bulky than the Longshot. It ultimately comes down to a matter of preference.The Longstrike does feel very sturdy, and it gives the impression that it is a very well made blaster.
FeaturesAs with other recent N-Strike guns, the Longstrike is compatible with the interchangeable parts found in other N-Strike guns.One cool feature is that the Longstrike can hold 2 additional clips in the shoulder stock (you'll have to buy these separately), and having two clips at the ready can cut down significantly on reload times while you're in the heat of battle. Conclusion - The Longstrike is one of the best looking Nerf guns ever made, but it isn't one of the best performing. Though some simple modifications can increase the range, it still seems a little silly to create a Nerf gun that resembles a sniper rifle but only shoots a little farther than an out of the box Nite Finder.

The Nerf Longshot is one of the best Nerf guns on the market, though it does take a little work to make it reach its potential.
Out of the box, the Nerf Longshot only shoots about 35 feet -- about the same as other (smaller) guns in the N-Strike line. You might be a little disappointed at first, because you would generally expect that a Nerf gun with a scope and the word "longshot" in its name would have a ridiculously awesome range. But fear not! There is hope.
The Longshot is one of the easiest Nerf guns to modify, and a couple simple changes to the internals can make an incredible difference in its performance.
Internally, there are very few small parts and there isn't any glue holding things down, so you can pop open the shell and make your changes very quickly. You can easily more than double the range by simply replacing the spring and removing the air restrictors, at which point you'll have a seriously awesome Nerf sniper rifle on your hands.
I only have one real complaint about the Nerf Longshot, and it's pretty minor: the pistol attachment is close to worthless. It gets terrible range and accuracy, and when mounted, it decreases the range of your shots and can lead to accuracy problems. I recommend that you just take it off, give it to your little brother (if he's armed it's ok to shoot him), and be done with it.
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about whether the Longshot or the Longstrike is a better gun. Ultimately, the answer depends on whether or not you intend to modify it.
If you do like to modify your Nerf guns, the Longshot will give you the most bang for your buck. The reverse plunger system found in the Longstrike (as well as the Recon and Raider) greatly limits the range that you can squeeze out of the gun, and no matter what you do, it will never shoot as far as the Longshot.
However, if you don't like to mod your Nerf guns, both guns will give you similar performance out of the box, and you should make your selection based on which one appeals more to your playing style.

The Nerf N Strike Maverick is a six-shot semi-automatic blaster that will shoot as fast as you can pump and pull the trigger. It features great range and accuracy, and the pop out chamber is a lot of fun.

Here are the Darts which act as an ammo for these cool NERF guns, It is made out of foam-type material , not ot be confused with a sponge. It comes in different versions and colours...my personal favourite is the "glow in the dark" series.
For more info and other cool NERF version hit the link:------->> http://nerfguns.org/
Just a heads up on your terminology: The Maverick is not a semi-auto weapon. It still requires manually priming every shot. Semi-automatic would mean one round for every pull of the trigger with no additional input from the user, a la the Barricade.
Nerf is the safest toy gun. You will not get hurt even if you're hit.
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