Hey -- I Don't Remember You!: The Lesser Known Pac-Man Ghosts
Sure, we've all heard of Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde, but did you know about the Boba Fett ghost? In celebration of Pac-Man's recent 30th birthday, CMYBacon has put together this handy guide to some of the more elusive ghosts from the game.
I was born on July 5th 1979 at 5.25pm, i'm the joker in my family, i love making my mom laugh,I'm a big ARSENAL fan & I went to the Emirates on July 2011 and again the following year, loves eating and a sucker for fish cakes, comic and super hero shirts,anything to do with LEGO, cool gadgets, plays football (occasionally) &,i'm playing the Football Manager.i love football (English) jersey, wears NIKE apparels...that's that & no hassle...
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