FEEL THE BURN: $600 Exercise Office Chair

You know what sucks about spending 9-5 at a desk? You can't work out. Well that, and absolutely everything else that prevents you from sleeping in and playing video games all day. But hey -- at least now we've got the exercise thing covered. Enter the $600 GymGym Exercise Chair. Per inventor Adam Ben-David (all first-names FTW!):

I want to support the American worker in transforming their lives by increasing their physical and mental health, self-image, fitness and creativity. GymyGym delivers a customizable, full-spectrum fitness solution within a powerful seating system.

Designed around patented resistance band technology, the GymyGym enables 16 core exercises to strengthen and stretch all major muscle groups. It boasts a patented flat-bungee seating system, which adapts itself to the body of the user to offer personalized support.


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