Do Want: A Little Personal Submarine-Boat

The EGO Compact Submarine isn't really a submarine because it can't actually dive, but it does have an underwater cockpit that allows the captain and a passenger to explore the mysteries beneath the ocean blue. Will you discover a new species? Will you discover Atlantis? Or will you discover you have diarrhea two hours off shore? There's no telling! (But probably the diarrhea thing)

The windows of the EGO are made of special acrylic materials, mostly used in aquariums to withstand water pressure and enable light transmission for better visibility. It features a top speed of 4 knots for 4 hours, and it runs for 6-10 hours on a single charge. Other equipment includes a monitoring LCD system, battery monitoring systems, VHF marine two way radio, digital depth gauge, foot pedal, compass and clock.

No word on pricing yet, but can you really put a dollar figure on being one of the first humans to spot a mermaid in the flesh?


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