I Must Have One: A Reading Net For Your At-Home Library


This is the Reading Net designed by Spanish creative studio Playoffice. Of course I'm not sure how much credit Playoffice actually deserves. It's not like they invented nets, they just came up with the idea of hanging them in home libraries to give your kids a place to hang out and read the herpes-free books you've collected over the years.
[The Reading Net is] a meshed fabric suspended from the architecture of a family library, that acts as a second-level reading range. the hanging web is tautly attached to the railings of a lofted path, and -- as both children and adults climb onto the woven expanse -- they can both lounge and learn on the buoyant surface.
First of all, that home library in the pictures is ridiculous. Somebody is rich as shit. Secondly, forget about JUST the library -- I want nets in every room of the house. I want to be able to go for days or weeks without ever touching the ground. "What about when you need to go to the bathroom?" I'll do it like a little kid. "Which is?" In the bathtub.
Keep going for a bunch more shots in case you like getting angry at rich kids for having way cooler stuff than you did growing up.

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