Family Night Out @ Millenium Restaurant.

Hello everyone, last saturday night, me and my family decided to go for a family night out, what better place then The Millenium Restaurant in Beribi, Gadong..We've never done this in ages, so that evening was a memorable one..Thanks Sis..Love You..
Beberapa menu hidangan yang ada pada malam itu..

The Food is so good, he's speechless..

Bro As dengan buah hati dia...

Enjoying the food...

Me and my wife special pose.

My "sekali duduk" dish...hehehe.

My Sister Ijah and her heartthrob..Jajib..counting the days..

The "Noise-Makers", sunyi hidup kalau nada durang ani...cheers!!

Babu ah, sampat lagi senyum tu..

I'm not missing it too...the grilled lamb was excellent..compliments to the chef.

Sebelum makan...pose dulu..

The Treat Master...mudahan panjang umur & murah rezeki...AMIN!!

A Big Family's been a while...i had a great time..

Sempat posing sambil hendak menikmati hidangan.."buffet"..

Although we came a bit late of schedule, but we enjoyed the evening as planned..Thanks for the treat sis..jangan jara k...hehe..peace-out!!

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